src/Resources/views/Frontend/home/home_top_pro.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="home-top-pro">
  2.     <!-- bandeau Live -->
  3.     {% if nextLive is defined and nextLive is not null %}
  4.         {% include '/Frontend/home/_live_banner_pro.html.twig' with {'nextLiveFirst': nextLive, 'room':, 'startDate': nextLive.startDate|date('d/m/y'), 'startTime': highlightEvent.startTime|date('H:i'), 'currentSaleId': null } %}
  5.     {% endif %}
  6.     <!-- FIN bandeau Live -->
  7.     <!-- Accroche -->
  8.     <div class="block01 txtcenter">
  9.         <div class="home-accroche-pro">
  10.             {% if is_current_website('ecat') %}
  11.                 <h1 class="bold ecat-title">{{ ''|trans }}</h1>
  12.             {% else %}
  13.                 <h1 class="bold">{{ ''|trans }}</h1>
  14.                 <div class="m-hide">
  15.                     {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\Frontend\\VehicleController:salesCounterAction')) }}
  16.                 </div>
  17.             {% endif %}
  18.         </div>
  19.         <div class="home-search pro">
  20.             <form action="{{ path('frontend_search_store') }}" method="POST" class="recherche-home">
  21.                 <ul>
  22.                     <li id="placeholder-search" data-lang="{{ app.request.locale }}" class="{% if is_current_country(constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::COUNTRY_PORTUGAL')) %}placeholder-pt{% endif %}">{{ form_widget(search_form.freeSearch) }}</li>
  23.                     <li class="bg-select">
  24.                         <span></span>{{ form_widget(, {'placeholder': ''|trans }) }}
  25.                     </li>
  26.                     <li>{{ form_widget( }}</li>
  27.                 </ul>
  28.             </form>
  29.             <p class="tab-l-hide tab-p-hide m-hide"><a href="{{ path('frontend_vehicle_list') }}"
  30.                                                        title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a></p>
  31.         </div>
  32.         <div class="home-liens-block m-hide">
  33.             <ul>
  34.                 <li><a href="{{ path('frontend_contact_pro') }}"
  35.                        title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a></li>
  36.                 <li><a href="{{ path('frontend_engagement_pro') }}"
  37.                        title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a></li>
  38.                 <li>
  39.                     <a href="{% if is_current_country(constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::COUNTRY_PORTUGAL')) %}{{ path('frontend_transport_pro') }}{% elseif is_current_country(constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::COUNTRY_BELGIUM')) %}{{ path('frontend_company_pro') }}{% else %}{{ path('frontend_guarantee_pro') }}{% endif %}"
  40.                        title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a></li>
  41.                 <li><a href="{{ path('frontend_vehicle_inspection_pro') }}"
  42.                        title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a></li>
  43.             </ul>
  44.         </div>
  45.     </div>
  46.     <!-- FIN Accroche -->
  47. </div>