src/Resources/views/Frontend/landing/mention-legal.html.twig line 26

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  1. {% extends "base_frontend.html.twig" %}
  2. {% block meta_robot %}
  3.     {{ parent() }}
  4.     <link rel="canonical" href="{{ url('frontend-legal-notice') }}"/>
  5.     {{ source('stubs/seo/robots_noindex_nofollow.html.twig') }}
  6. {% endblock %}
  7. {% block meta_title %}{{ 'seo.landing.legalNotice.title'|trans({}, "seo") }}{% endblock %}
  8. {% block meta_desc %}{{ 'seo.landing.legalNotice.desc'|trans({}, "seo") }}{% endblock %}
  9. {% block tawkto %}
  10.     {% if type is not defined or type == 'private' %}
  11.         {{ parent() }}
  12.     {% endif %}
  13. {% endblock %}
  14. {% block layout_content %}
  15.     {% if (app.user is not null and app.user is pro) or 'pro' == app.session.get('dimension') %}
  16.         {% include 'frontend/header_pro.html.twig' %}
  17.     {% else %}
  18.         {% include 'frontend/header.html.twig' %}
  19.     {% endif %}
  20.     <div class="main-content clearfix">
  21.         {% block body_content %}
  22.             <div class="mentions-legales">
  23.                 <div class="landing-header">
  24.                     <h1 class="titre05">{{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.title01'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}</h1>
  25.                 </div>
  26.                 <div class="landing-content">
  27.                     <div>
  28.                         <h2 class="titre01 paddingB20 txtcenter">{{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.title01'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}</h2>
  29.                         <h3 class="titre04">{{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.subtitle01'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}</h3>
  30.                         <p>
  31.                             {{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.text01'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}
  32.                             <a
  33.                                 {% if (app.user is not null and app.user is pro) or 'pro' == app.session.get('dimension') %}
  34.                                     href="{{ path('frontend_cgv_pro') }}"
  35.                                 {% else %}
  36.                                     href="{{ path('frontend_cgv_country', {'country': 'fr'}) }}"
  37.                                 {% endif %}
  38.                                 title="" class="lien03">{{ 'frontend.footer.cgv'|trans }}</a>
  39.                         </p>
  40.                         <h3 class="titre04">{{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.subtitle02'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}</h3>
  41.                         <p>
  42.                             {{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.text02'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}
  43.                         </p>
  44.                         <h3 class="titre04">{{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.subtitle03'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}</h3>
  45.                         <p>
  46.                             {{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.text03'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}
  47.                         </p>
  48.                         <h3 class="titre04">{{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.subtitle04'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}</h3>
  49.                         <p>
  50.                             {{ 'frontend.landing.mention_legal.content.text04'|trans({}, 'landing')|raw }}<br>
  51.                             <a
  52.                                 {% if (app.user is not null and app.user is pro) or 'pro' == app.session.get('dimension') %}
  53.                                     href="{{ path('frontend_privacy_policy', {'type': 'pro'}) }}"
  54.                                 {% else %}
  55.                                     href="{{ path('frontend_privacy_policy') }}"
  56.                                 {% endif %}
  57.                                 title="" class="lien03">{{ 'frontend.footer.privacy'|trans }}</a>
  58.                         </p>
  59.                     </div>
  60.                 </div>
  61.             </div>
  62.             <!--Footer -->
  63.             {% if (app.user is not null and app.user is pro) or 'pro' == app.session.get('dimension') %}
  64.                 {% include 'frontend/footer_pro.html.twig' %}
  65.             {% else %}
  66.                 {% include 'frontend/footer.html.twig' %}
  67.             {% endif %}
  68.             <!-- FIN Footer -->
  69.         {% endblock body_content %}
  70.     </div>
  71. {% endblock layout_content %}