{% extends 'frontend/frontend.html.twig' %}
{% block meta_title %}{{ 'seo.france.blog.title'|trans({}, "seo") }}{% endblock %}
{% block meta_desc %}{{ 'seo.france.blog.desc'|trans({}, "seo") }}{% endblock %}
{% block body_content %}
<div class="wiki-france">
<div class="landing-header">
<h1 class="titre05">
{{ 'frontend.france.blog.title'|trans }}
<div class="landing-content">
<div class="liste07 marginT30">
<span><span class="blog-fr-filter active" data-filter="">{{ 'frontend.france.blog.category.all'|trans }}</span></span>
<span><span class="blog-fr-filter" data-filter="conseils">{{ 'frontend.france.blog.category.conseils'|trans }}</span></span>
<span><span class="blog-fr-filter" data-filter="actualites">{{ 'frontend.france.blog.category.actualites'|trans }}</span></span>
<span><span class="blog-fr-filter" data-filter="guide">{{ 'frontend.france.blog.category.guide'|trans }}</span></span>
<div class="clearfix marginT10">
{% for wiki in wikis %}
{% include '/Frontend/wiki/list_item_fr.html.twig' with {'wiki': wiki} %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="txtcenter">
<a href="{% if (app.user is not null and app.user is pro) or 'pro' == app.session.get('dimension') %}{{ path('frontend_wiki_list_fr_pro') }}{% else %}{{ path('frontend_wiki_list_fr') }}{% endif %}" class="lien10" title="">{{ 'frontend.france.blog.seeall'|trans }}</a>
<!--Footer -->
{% if (app.user is not null and app.user is pro) or 'pro' == app.session.get('dimension') %}
{% include 'frontend/footer_pro.html.twig' %}
{% else %}
{% include 'frontend/footer.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
<!-- FIN Footer -->
{% endblock body_content %}