src/Resources/views/Live/Portal/access.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base_portal.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block meta_robot %}
  3.     {{ parent() }}
  4.     <link rel="canonical" href="{{ url('live_portal_access') }}"/>
  5.     {{ source('stubs/seo/robots_noindex_nofollow.html.twig') }}
  6. {% endblock %}
  7. {% block meta_title %}{{ ''|trans({}, "seo") }}{% endblock %}
  8. {% block meta_desc %}{{ ''|trans({}, "seo") }}{% endblock %}
  9. {% block body_content %}
  10.     <div class="vpauto-live">
  11.         <div class="landing-header">
  12.             <h1 class="titre05">
  13.                 {{ ''|trans }}
  14.                 <span>{{ ''|trans }}</span>
  15.             </h1>
  16.         </div>
  17.         <div class="landing-content">
  18.             <div>
  19.                 <h2 class="titre01">
  20.                     {% if app.request.locale == constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::LOCALE_PORTUGUESE') %}
  21.                         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/vpauto/frontend/images/icones/icon-live-pt.webp') }}" alt="">
  22.                     {% else %}
  23.                         <img src="{{ asset('bundles/vpauto/frontend/images/icones/icon-live-fr.webp') }}" alt="">
  24.                     {% endif %}
  25.                     <strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong>
  26.                 </h2>
  27.                 <div class="grid-container block01 bgcolor01">
  28.                     <div class="grid-30 tab-l-40 tab-p-100 m-100">
  29.                         <h2 class="titre04">{{ ''|trans }} <i
  30.                                 class="icon-live-encherisseur"></i></h2>
  31.                     </div>
  32.                     <div class="grid-70 tab-l-60 tab-p-100 m-100">
  33.                         <h3 class="titre02">
  34.                             <strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong></h3>
  35.                         <ul>
  36.                             <li>
  37.                                 1 - {{ ''|trans }}
  38.                                 {% if app.user is null %}<a href="{{ path('registration_step') }}" class="m-bt-menu"
  39.                                                             title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a>
  40.                                 {% else %}{{ ''|trans }}{% endif %}
  41.                             </li>
  42.                             <li>2 - {{ ''|trans }}</li>
  43.                             <li>3 - {{ ''|trans }}</li>
  44.                         </ul>
  45.                     </div>
  46.                 </div>
  47.                 {% if app.user is null %}
  48.                     <div class="espace-connexion">
  49.                         <div class="secured-by">
  50.                             {{ ''|trans }} <img
  51.                                 src="{{ asset('bundles/vpauto/frontend/images/logo_BNP_2.jpg') }}" alt="BNP">
  52.                         </div>
  53.                         <div class="login-box grid-container">
  54.                             <h3 class="titre04 txtcenter marginB20">
  55.                                 <strong>{{ 'frontend.profile.account.title'|trans }}</strong></h3>
  56.                             <div class="grid-50 tab-p-100 m-100">
  57.                                 <h3 class="titre02">{{ 'frontend.profile.account.already'|trans|raw }}</h3>
  58.                                 <form name="info" action="{{ path('fos_user_security_check') }}" method="POST">
  59.                                     <div class="login-form">
  60.                                         <p class="prelative">
  61.                                             <input type="text" id="login" name="_username"
  62.                                                    placeholder="{{ ''|trans }}">
  63.                                             <i class="icon-mail"></i>
  64.                                         </p>
  65.                                         <p class="prelative">
  66.                                             <input type="password" id="password" name="_password"
  67.                                                    placeholder="{{ 'frontend.profile.password'|trans }}">
  68.                                             <i class="icon-password"></i>
  69.                                         </p>
  70.                                         <p class="passmemo clearfix">
  71.                                             <span class="input-checkbox03"><input type="checkbox" value="passmemo"
  72.                                                                                   class="checkbox" id="passmemo01"
  73.                                                                                   name="_remember"></span>
  74.                                             <label for="passmemo01">{{ 'frontend.profile.remember'|trans }}</label>
  75.                                         </p>
  76.                                         <p class="txtcenter">
  77.                                             {# contrary to other links to vpauto_frontend_live,
  78.                                     doesn't exist here, sale is defined from a GET parameter #}
  79.                                             <input type="hidden" name="_target_path" value="{{ path('vpauto_frontend_live', {'saleId': sale}) }}" />
  80.                                             <input type="submit" value="{{ 'frontend.login.button.submit'|trans }}"
  81.                                                    class="btn06">
  82.                                         </p>
  83.                                         <p class="txtcenter"><a href="#"
  84.                                                                 class="u-modal u-forgot lien03 m-bt-menu">{{ 'frontend.profile.password.forget'|trans }}</a>
  85.                                         </p>
  86.                                     </div>
  87.                                 </form>
  88.                             </div>
  89.                             <div class="grid-50 tab-p-100 m-100">
  90.                                 <div>
  91.                                     <p>{{ 'frontend.profile.account.need'|trans }}</p>
  92.                                     <p class="marginT20"><a href="{{ path('registration_step')}}"
  93.                                                             class="lien08 m-bt-menu">{{ 'frontend.profile.register'|trans }}</a>
  94.                                 </div>
  95.                             </div>
  96.                         </div>
  97.                     </div>
  98.                 {% endif %}
  99.                 <div class="grid-container block01 bgcolor02">
  100.                     <div class="grid-30 tab-l-40 tab-p-100 m-100">
  101.                         <h2 class="titre04">{{ ''|trans }} <i
  102.                                 class="icon-live-spectateur"></i></h2>
  103.                     </div>
  104.                     <div class="grid-70 tab-l-60 tab-p-100 m-100">
  105.                         <h3 class="titre02">
  106.                             <strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong></h3>
  107.                         <p class="marginT10">{{ ''|trans }}</p>
  108.                         <p class="marginT10 txtright"><a href="{{ path('live_portal_next_sales') }}"
  109.                                                          title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a>
  110.                         </p>
  111.                     </div>
  112.                 </div>
  113.                 <div class="son-vente">
  114.                     <span class="m-hide"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/vpauto/frontend/images/vpauto-live02.png') }}"
  115.                                               alt=""></span>
  116.                     <h2 class="marginT40 titre01">
  117.                         <strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong></h2>
  118.                     <p class="titre02"><strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong>
  119.                     </p>
  120.                     <p class="marginT10">{{ ''|trans|trans|raw }}</p>
  121.                 </div>
  122.                 <h2 class="marginT40"><i class="icon-nos-conseils m-hide"></i> <span
  123.                         class="titre01"><strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong></span>
  124.                     <a href="{{ guideUrl }}" target="_blank" class="lien03"
  125.                        title="">{{ ''|trans }}</a></h2>
  126.                 <ul class="marginT20">
  127.                     <li>
  128.                         - {{ ''|trans }}
  129.                     </li>
  130.                     <li class="marginT10">- {{ ''|trans }}</li>
  131.                     <li class="marginT10">- {{ ''|trans }}</li>
  132.                 </ul>
  133.                 <div class="grid-container block01 marginT40 bgcolor03">
  134.                     <div class="bg-img01 grid-30 tab-l-40 tab-p-30 m-hide">&nbsp;</div>
  135.                     <div class="grid-70 tab-l-60 tab-p-70 m-100">
  136.                         <h3 class="titre02"><strong>{{ ''|trans }}</strong>
  137.                         </h3>
  138.                         <p class="marginT10">{{ ''|trans }}</p>
  139.                         <p class="marginT10">{{ ''|trans|trans|raw }}</p>
  140.                         <p class="marginT10">{{ ''|trans|trans }}
  141.                             {% include '/Frontend/user/_email_contact.html.twig' %}
  142.                         </p>
  143.                         <p class="marginT10"><a
  144.                                 href="{{ path('frontend_cgv_country', {'country': 'fr'}) }}">{{ ''|trans|trans }}</a>
  145.                         </p>
  146.                     </div>
  147.                 </div>
  148.             </div>
  149.         </div>
  150.     </div>
  151.     <!--Footer -->
  152.     {% include 'frontend/footer.html.twig' %}
  153.     <!-- FIN Footer -->
  154. {% endblock %}