templates/frontend/header.html.twig line 1

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  1. <header id="header" class="header" role="banner">
  2.     {% include 'frontend/header_change_country.html.twig' %}
  3.     {% set country_switcher %}
  4.         {% include 'frontend/countries.html.twig' %}
  5.     {% endset %}
  6.     <div class="header-container-top header-menu-mobile clearfix" data-size="big">
  7.         <div class="left"><a href="{{ path('homepage') }}"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/vpauto/frontend/images/logo-vpauto.webp') }}" alt="Achat/Vente de voitures d'occasion aux enchères" class="logo-vpauto" /></a></div>
  8.         <nav class="left navigation nav m-hide" role="navigation">
  9.             <ul class="clearfix">
  10.                 <li>
  11.                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="bt-menu tab-l-hide tab-p-hide m-hide">
  12.                         <span class="lignes">
  13.                           <span class="ligne1"></span>
  14.                           <span class="ligne2"></span>
  15.                           <span class="ligne3"></span>
  16.                         </span>
  17.                         <span>{{ 'frontend.header.navigation.menu'|trans }}</span>
  18.                     </a>
  19.                     <a href="#" class="tab-bt-menu grid-hide tab-l-visible tab-p-visible m-hide">
  20.                         <span class="lignes">
  21.                           <span class="ligne1"></span>
  22.                           <span class="ligne2"></span>
  23.                           <span class="ligne3"></span>
  24.                         </span>
  25.                         <span>{{ 'frontend.header.navigation.menu'|trans }}</span>
  26.                     </a>
  27.                 </li>
  28.                 <li class="tab-l-hide tab-p-hide m-hide"><a href="{{ path('frontend_vehicle_list') }}">{{ 'frontend.header.link.buy'|trans }}</a></li>
  29.                 {% if is_current_country(constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::COUNTRY_FRANCE')) %}
  30.                     <li class="tab-l-hide tab-p-hide m-hide"><a href="{{ sell_my_auto_url }}" target="_blank" title="">{{ 'frontend.header.link.sell'|trans }}</a></li>
  31.                 {% endif %}
  32.                 {% if is_current_country(constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::COUNTRY_FRANCE')) %}
  33.                     <li class="grid-xl-visible grid-l-visible grid-hide">
  34.                         <a href="{{ path('frontend_wiki_list_fr', {'limit': 10}) }}" title="">
  35.                             {{ 'frontend.france.blog.link01'|trans }}
  36.                         </a>
  37.                     </li>
  38.                 {% endif %}
  39.                 {% if is_current_country(constant('App\\Twig\\Extension\\CountryExtension::COUNTRY_PORTUGAL')) %}
  40.                     <li class="grid-xl-visible grid-l-visible grid-hide">
  41.                         <a href="{{ path('frontend_wiki_list_pt') }}">
  42.                             {{ 'frontend.portugal.blog.title'|trans }}
  43.                         </a>
  44.                     </li>
  45.                 {% endif %}
  46.             </ul>
  47.         </nav>
  48.         <div class="menuhaut d-menuhaut right prelative tab-p-hide m-hide">
  49.             <ul class="left">
  50.                 <li class="tel"><i class="icon-menu-tel"></i><span>{% include 'Frontend/user/_tel_customer_service.html.twig' %}</span></li>
  51.                 {% if app.user is not null and is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED') %}
  52.                     <li class="connexion"><a href="{{ path('fos_user_profile_edit') }}" title="" class="mon-compte">{{ "frontend.profile.account"|trans }}</a></li>
  53.                     {% if is_granted('ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN') %}
  54.                         <li class="inscription"><a href="{{ path('backend_user_view', {'id': app.user.id, '_switch_user': '_exit'})}}" title="">{{ "frontend.switch.user.exit"|trans }}</a></li>
  55.                     {% else %}
  56.                         <li class="deconnexion"><a href="{{ path('fos_user_security_logout') }}" title="" class="deconnexion">{{ "frontend.profile.logout"|trans }}</a></li>
  57.                     {% endif %}
  58.                 {% else %}
  59.                     <li class="connexion u-login u-modal"><a href="#" title="" class="">{{ "frontend.header.profile.login"|trans }}</a></li>
  60.                     <li class="inscription header_menu_dropdown">
  61.                         {{ "frontend.header.profile.create"|trans }}
  62.                         <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="8" height="8" fill="#383b3e" class="bi bi-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
  63.                             <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M1.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L8 10.293l5.646-5.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708l-6 6a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-6-6a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z"></path>
  64.                         </svg>
  65.                         <ul class="header_menu_dropdown_ul">
  66.                             <li class="header_menu_link_pro"><a href="{{ getADUrl() }}" title="{{ "frontend.header.link.pro"|trans }}">{{ "frontend.header.link.pro"|trans }}</a></li>
  67.                             <li class="header_menu_link_private"><a href="{{ path('registration_step', {step: 2}) }}" title="{{ "frontend.header.link.private"|trans }}">{{ "frontend.header.link.private"|trans }}</a></li>
  68.                             <li class="header_menu_link_society"><a href="{{ path('registration_step', {step: 2}) }}" title="{{ "frontend.header.link.society"|trans }}">{{ "frontend.header.link.society"|trans }}</a></li>
  69.                         </ul>
  70.                     </li>
  71.                 {% endif %}
  72.                 {% if app.user is null or app.user is pro %}
  73.                     <li class="btn-pro"><a href="{{ path('homepage_pro') }}" title="" rel="nofollow">{{ "frontend.header.button.pro"|trans }}</a></li>
  74.                 {% endif %}
  75.                 {% if not (is_current_website('showvroom')) %}
  76.                     <li class="langue cursor">
  77.                         <span class="d-txt-langue">
  78.                             <i class="icon-flag-{{ current_country }}"></i>
  79.                             <span class="fleche">
  80.                                 <span class="ligne1"></span>
  81.                                 <span class="ligne2"></span>
  82.                             </span>
  83.                         </span>
  84.                         {{ country_switcher }}
  85.                     </li>
  86.                 {% endif %}
  87.             </ul>
  88.         </div>
  89.         <div class="menuhaut-mobile right grid-hide tab-l-hide tab-p-hide m-visible">
  90.             <a href="#" class="m-bt-menu">
  91.                 <span class="lignes">
  92.                   <span class="ligne1"></span>
  93.                   <span class="ligne2"></span>
  94.                   <span class="ligne3"></span>
  95.                 </span>
  96.                 <span>{{ 'frontend.navigation.menu'|trans }}</span>
  97.             </a>
  98.         </div>
  99.     </div>
  100. </header>
  101. {% include 'frontend/main_menu.html.twig' with {
  102.     'type': 'private',
  103.     country_switcher: country_switcher
  104. } %}