# NOTE : this file is intended to provide twig translations inside javascript files.
# USAGE : just add a unique key to the object 'translations' with the translated value
# then, in your javascript file, just call translations.<my_key> to key the translated value.
# translations are available in all the frontend, given that this file is included inside
# app/Resources/frontend.html.twig
<script type="text/javascript">
var translations = {
'pitchMultiply' : "{{ 'frontend.offer.pitch.respect'|trans({'%pitch%': '%pitch%', '%list%': '%list%' })|raw }}",
'amoutTooLow' : "{{ 'frontend.offer.min.tooLow'|trans({'%minPrice%' : '%minPrice%'}) }}",
'deleteNotice' : "{{ 'frontend.profile.delete.notice'|trans }}",
'deleteProcessLn1': "{{ 'frontend.profile.delete.running'|trans }}",
'deleteProcessLn2': "{{ 'frontend.profile.delete.running.wait'|trans}}",
'deleteSuccessLn1': "{{ 'frontend.profile.delete.success'|trans }}",
'deleteSuccessLn2': "{{ 'frontend.profile.delete.success.redirect'|trans }}",
'confirmBuyout' : "{{ 'frontend.auction.popup.confirm.buyout'|trans|raw }}",
'alertBuyout' : "{{ 'frontend.auction.popup.alert.buyout'|trans|raw }}",
'areYouSure' : "{{ 'frontend.auction.confirm.question'|trans }}",
'valider' : "{{ 'Valider'|trans }}",
'formNext' : "{{ 'frontend.page.register_pro.form.next'|trans }}",